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Crypto Recovery and Blockchain Investigation with AMLBot

Find out where your lost cryptocurrency with a thorough investigation and potential recovery

Crypto Recovery and Blockchain Investigation with AMLBot
We are trusted members of
  • International Association for Trusted Blockchain ApplicationsINATBA
  • Crypto Defenders AllianceCDA
  • Anti-Human Trafficking Intelligence InitiativeATII
  • League for Security in the Web3LSW3
  • EU Blockchain AssociationЕВА
  • FinTech Association of Hong KongFTAHK
AMLBot's team of certified experts provides comprehensive analytical and legal support in the recovery of the stolen crypto

Crypto Recovery Process

Understand the steps we take to analyze and potentially recover your lost assets.

Information Gathering:

Fill out our detailed victim's form to provide us with as much information as possible about your situation.

Police Report:

You can either submit a police report yourself or follow our guidelines to do it effectively.

Police Investigation Support:

If needed, we can offer necessary assistance and information for the police investigation and the subpoena to return the assets.

Blockchain Investigation:

We take several steps in this process, including:

  • Blacklisting the associated wallets with exchanges
  • Labeling the associated wallets with blockchain analytics providers
  • Marking wallets for tracing if the funds are parked in the unidentified wallets

Investigation Report:

We generate a comprehensive report based on our blockchain investigation.

Communication with Exchanges:

If the stolen funds reach an exchange, we communicate with them to request a potential freeze of the stolen assets.

Our Expertise

Put your trust in our experienced team of crypto investigators and recovery specialists.

We hold certifications including:

We hold certifications including:

Chainalysis Reactor Certification (CRC)
Chainalysis KYT Certification (CKC)
Cryptocurrency Fundamentals Certification (CCFC)
Chainalysis Ethereum Investigations Certification (CEIC)
ACAMS Fightning Moder Slavery And Human Trafficking
Proud members
  • Crypto Defence Alliance
  • ATHI

Why AMLBot?

Personalized Approach

  • AMLBot offers a wide range of compliance solutions customized for each client
  • We're confident in meeting your demands after helping 300+ crypto enterprises of all sizes in 25 jurisdictions

Integrated Compliance Platform

  • We offer KYT/Wallet Screening, KYC, AML, and more for crypto businesses
  • AMLBot' risk scoring is based on multiple data sources, ensuring that we have the most reliable data in the industry
  • Our user-friendly services and solutions streamline your company processes, removing compliance provider complexity

Customer Support

AMLBot understands the significance of fast, friendly customer support, thus we're always here for our clients. 24/7 support

An answer during the night may take a bit longer

Our 300+ clients and partners

Frequently Asked Questions

Is your question not on the list?

Contact us via messenger. We are in touch 24/7, so any issue can be resolved quickly and in a live chat format.

It may take a little longer to respond during the night.

What types of cryptocurrencies can AMLBot investigate?
AMLBot can investigate a variety of cryptocurrencies, including but not limited to Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other popular altcoins.
How long does a blockchain investigation by AMLBot take?
The duration of an investigation varies depending on the complexity of the case. Typically, we provide you high-level overview of your situation for free within 24 hours. Then, if we have all of the information, we provide you with an investigation report within 72 hours. However, the the total timeframe can extend beyond this, especially when we have to mark the wallets fro tracing to continue the investigation.
How long does the full recovery process typically take?
The duration of the recovery process can vary significantly depending on the complexity of the case, the response times of exchanges and law enforcement, and other factors. It's best to prepare for a process that could take several months.
Is there a guarantee that my lost cryptocurrency will be recovered?
While AMLBot employs advanced techniques and tools to maximize the chances of recovery, it is not possible to guarantee a successful outcome in every case due to the nature of blockchain transactions and the varying degrees of cooperation from third parties involved.
What is the cost of the recovery service?
The cost can vary depending on the complexity of the case. Please submit victim’s report or contact us for a personalized quote.
If my funds can't be recovered, will I receive a refund for the service fee?
Our service fee is non-refundable as it covers the labor and resources invested by the AMLBot team in the investigation and recovery efforts, regardless of the outcome. Rest assured, we are committed to doing everything possible to recover your digital assets.
What information do I need to provide for the recovery process?
It's important to provide as much detail as possible about the lost or stolen cryptocurrency, including the associated wallet addresses, transaction TXs, the nature of the loss (e.g., scam, theft), and any relevant communication or transaction records.
Where do I submit a police report?
You should submit the police report based on your country of residence. AMLBot provides guidance on how to properly submit a police report for your lost or stolen cryptocurrency. This report and subsequent subpena are necessary for the recovery process.
How secure is my personal information during this process?
AMLBot takes the security of your personal information very seriously. We adhere to strict data privacy practices and use secure methods to protect your information at all stages of the recovery process.
What can I do to prevent future losses of cryptocurrency?
AMLBot provides education and resources to help you secure your digital assets and avoid common scams and risks in the cryptocurrency space. This includes best practices for wallet security, recognizing potential scams, and understanding the risks and benefits of different types of cryptocurrency transactions and investments.

Legal disclaimer

Attention to Scams and Fraud:

AMLBot is not calling you or approaching you first with a request to assist you with the fund recovery process, because any kind of call, email, or message without your consent is against privacy rules. Usually, our customers contact AMLBot first with methods provided on our website.

Ready to start your crypto recovery process?

Submit your case now and our team will connect with you within 24 hours.